Saturday was pretty much a vegie day except for netball.
Sunday Madeleine and a friend went ice skating at the Olympic ice skating rink in centre rd. Now that place is in a time warp, Lynne and I used to go there as kids; her mum would drop us off and pick us up later. Nothing much has changed I must say. Anyhoo it was Madeleine's first time ice skating and she was a bit nervous, I think she was afraid if she fell over some one might come past and chop of her fingers. I think she had a good time (lol) I went along with her and sat and chatted to her girlfriends mum for a couple of hours while we watched the girls.
Things have been very quite on the scrapping front the past couple of weeks, in fact i've done nothing. It could be because I've read all 4 books in the twilight series in the past week and a half. All four books are great and I thoroughly enjoyed them all...Now bring on the movie another mother and daughter bonding trip to the movies for a good chick flick me thinkst. (hehe)
Here's the teaser trailer
Leeanne x
OMG....that movie looks FANTASTIC!!...I am off to the book shop later this week and I am going to look out for those books...
Ice skating looks fun...i too would be worried about my fingers getting chopped off....LOL
And what a big day at the eistedddfod...but what a great experiance!!
Have a great week
Cherie xx
What a busy weekend for Maddie - and a fun one too. I love ice skating (and over all these years noone I know has lost fingers....yet!)
Must look out for those books.
K x
OMG - that ice skating rink brings back memories of when my friends and I hung out there - lol!!!
And great to hear the kids still had fun at the R.E!!
Hope you are having a lovely day:)
Wow the Rock Est. must have been an awesome experience for all the kids involved... extremely long day though!
I keep hearing about these Twilight books... might have to check them out.
I've only ever been ice-skating once and it was heaps of fun! Although I was very slow doing laps around the rink... too worried about falling over! LOL!
Sheree xx
Poor Maddy and poor you having to get up sooo early for the RE. I'm sure it was a fabulous experience for her even though they didn't get through to the next round (I think you'll be grateful for that eventually - no more ridiculously early mornings - hehe).
Hope your weekend is lovely
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