Busy Busy Busy....
that's life at the moment. Of course
that's the way it always is when schools back and all the after school activities kick in as well.
Madeleine is thoroughly enjoying H.S. so far, she has made lots of new friends and is enjoying her classes (well most of them anyway) . There is a fair bit of homework that goes along with it but she is more than coping so far. Monday she tried out to be in a school production later in the year and although it won't be officially announced for a week or so, feedback from those in the know suggest that she got in. Fingers crossed that, that is the case. One of the girls in her textile class this week has invited her to a Youth Group on Friday night, which apparently is awesome and lots of fun. So she's off to that on Friday night to check it all out and see what it's all about.
Last Saturday we let Madeleine go to the movies with a group of friends (boys and girls) to see Definitely Maybe. It's the first time we have let her do something like that and I was a bit nervous. They were taken there and picked up straight after the movie , and they all had a ball. I'm not sure that the boys loved the movie the girls chose though. Next time the boys will have to have first choice.
In sporting news Netball kicked off properly last Saturday after 3 weeks of grading. Madeleine's team had a convincing win and were all pretty happy with themselves. Big news is that tonight she played in a Semi for Basketball and her team will be playing off in the Grand Final at 10am Sunday morning. GO TEAM!!!!!!
On the job front my contract has now been extended until the end of April, and they are saying that will be last extension. You never know though in the Public Service things change every week, every day, every hour, every minute. So guess what I'm saying is there is a slight chance it may get extended again.
Saturday night we went out to dinner at Mark and Jasmine's place, they have a lovely home and the food was just beautiful. Another friend of ours was there with his new girlfriend who none of had met before, and it turns out that her and Neil went to the same primary school. He knew her face as soon as she walked in. Well when I say he knew her they had never actually met he just knew she grew up in
Cheltenham and went to OLA. She is younger than us (only a few years) so they never socialised together. Small world sometimes.
Sunday we went out to lunch at the
Mentone Hotel for Neil's dad's birthday. The food is quite nice there and we always end up in this little nook, which is nice because it's a little more private. Then it was back to Bob and Norma's for coffee and cake.
A friend of
mine's Mum passed away early of Monday morning, she had been sick for along time and has certainly been in intense pain for the last few months. So at least she is not suffering anymore. My thoughts go out to Karen (not
mckeown) and her family at this sad time.
In good news.... Shaun, Amanda and baby Charlie are coming down to
Melboure from the Gold Coast this weekend.
Whoo Hoo!!!!!!!!!! we can't wait to see them. Although we will have to wait until Sunday to actually catch up. They arrive Thursday night, have a wedding on Friday, will catch up with Shaun's grandparents and family on his
mum's side and then come and spend the day with us on Sunday. Charlie is now 9 months old, where did that time go.... stay tuned for photos.
Well I think I've rambled on enough for now
cheers until next time.
Leeanne x