Monday 19 November 2007

Spiegletent (mark 2), The Honeys and Melbourne

Last Friday night I drove into the city to meet Neil, and to see a band called the Honey's in at the Spiegletent again (click on the link in my sidebar to hear one of their songs). The band was great and this time we had front row seats. We parked the car about a 10minute walk from the Melbourne Arts centre and walked along the Yarra to the Spiegletent. The city was a buzz, it was a beautifully warm balmy night and it seemed like everyone in Melbourne was in the city. You could see and hear the noise from Federation Square and around the Arts centre there were people everywhere.

I just love the city and that feeling it gives of being so alive and vibrant, which in turn makes you feel the same way. Here are a few photos from the night,some inside the tent and others just of the city and the Yarra. They show just how beautiful Melbourne really is.

We picked up Madeleine at her friend Laura's house and stayed for an hour or two, catching up with Laura's parents who are friends of ours. It was a perfect night to sit out on their decking, having a drink and eating pizza. Neil and I didn't eat while we were in town, so when we got to Rick and Phil's house we ordered Pizza to be delivered. Very nice it was too and much appreciated at 10pm.

Well that's enough for one post, I'll catch up with more O'Connor family antics from Saturday and Sunday next time.


Leeanne x

1 comment:

Karen said...

Those Melbourne photos are lovely -we do have a great city. The speigeltent is fascinating - I hadn't seen inside it before.